Monday, May 21, 2012

Back out of all this now too much for us

I think I get it. Now, at last. That this blogging thing is a winter-time (or sick day) occupation. Now that the world is teeming with spring, I can't afford extra time on the computer. I have a garden that needs tending, a boat that needs water, boots that need trailing, pages that need poems, books that need reading. Etc, etc.

I'll be back before the first snow falls, I'm sure. But hardly in between. I hope you'll find yourselves smack in the real world, too, with far less time on the screens.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Maurice Sendak: 1928-2012

 The beloved writer Maurice Sendak died yesterday. Terry Gross dedicated the whole of "Fresh Air" to this great imaginative man.

I was really moved by their conversations, especially on hearing him talk about belief:
Terry Gross:  Do you ever wish that you had faith?
Maurice Sendak:  No.
TG:  Why not?
MS:  Because I don't need it. I don't believe in that. You know who my gods are, who I believe in fervently? Herman Melville, Emily Dickinson (she's probably at the top), Mozart, Shakespeare, Keats....These are wonderful gods who have gotten me through the narrow straits of life.
You can listen to the whole "Fresh Air" episode here.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ink Node feature poem: "The Field"

Nice bit of news today from the creators of Ink Node, a virally edited online journal and my favorite web repository of contemporary poetry:


Greetings from Ink Node HQ here in Philadelphia—I hope all is well. I just wanted to let you know how much we've been enjoying reading your poems on the site, and I'm delighted to announce that we've decided to feature "The Field" on the front page marquee this week, where it will run in the banner spot through next Wednesday.  It's a gorgeous poem, and we're happy to share it.  Thanks for being a part of what makes Ink Node great.

Very best wishes,

Brian Christian and the Ink Node team"